13th DRC (Danube Rectors’ Conference) Summer School on Regional Co-operation
3 - 10 July 2016 / Prague, Czech Republic
“Post-Socialist Transformations in the Danube Region - 25 Years After the Collapse of the Soviet Union"
The 13th DRC Summer School was held at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) in the Czech Republic. The summer school was opened by Jaromír Němec (CULS) and longstanding project manager Susan Milford (IDM) and István Tarrósy (IDResearch).
A total of twelve lectures on various subjects such as politics, business, education, research, civil society and history –all related to the Danube Region– were held by well-known experts as: Anja Opitz (Akademie für politische bildung tutzin), Peter Havlik (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, WIIW), Martina Hartl (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Republic of Austria Vienna), Erhard Busek (Chairman IDM), Nigel Swain (University of Liverpool), Sergiu Musteaţă (State Paedagocical University “Ion Creanga”, Chişinău), Tamara Scheer (University of Vienna), Tobias Spöri (University of Vienna), Sebastian schäffer (IDM and SSC Europe), Juri Durkot (Journalist) and Zoltán Árokszállási (Erste Group Bank AG).
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