
The DRC Presidency consists of a President, two Vice-Presidents and the acting Honorary President. It is the governing board of the DRC.

The President and Vice-Presidents of the DRC are elected for a 2-year period of function, during which each of them has to organise the Annual conference at his/her university at least once.


The Honorary President is proposed by a representative of a member institution to the Presidency. Only previous DRC Presidents can be nominated as Honorary presidents. The Honorary President does not have the right to vote and his term as a member of Presidency is limited to four years.

The Presidency is composed of Rectors of universities that are full members of the DRC. It is elected by the General assembly. The Presidency is a collegiate organ. Decisions shall be taken by a single majority of votes.


  • The President may call and shall preside at meetings of the General Assembly, the Presidency, the Permanent Committee and conferences.
  • The Presidency maintains effective relations with the national conferences and with the international organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, which have a special interest in university affairs.
  • The Presidency is responsible to the General assembly on all activities, and for the management of the DRC. The Presidency administers the DRC according to the general strategy and policy approved by the General Assembly, and  decides in particular about projects related to education, training and research organised by the Association. The Presidency also decides about publications, like proceedings of conferences, reports, surveys….

Current president


Rector Prof. Daniel David


Babeș-Bolyai University 

1, Mihail Kogălniceanu St.

400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Contact person for DRC:

Tel: +40-0264-405300


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Presidency secretariat

Mihaela Bogdan Ph.D. 


Babeș-Bolyai University 

1, Mihail Kogălniceanu St.

400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Tel: +40-264-429762, ext. 6054 

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Current vice-presidents

Rector Prof. Nermina Hadžigrahić 


University of Tuzla
Dr. Tihomila Markovica br. 1

75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Tel: +387 (0)35 300 500  

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Rector Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Koch


Johannes Kepler University Linz

Altenberger Straße 69

4040 Linz, Austria


Tel: +43 732 2468 3362


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Current honorary president


Rector Prof. Ivanka Popović


University of Belgrade 

Studentski trg 1

11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Tel: +381 11 3207 400


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