Permanent Committee

The Permanent Committee is composed of a minimum of one representative per country. It consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, all former Honorary Presidents and one representative from each country nominated by the General Assembly as well as appointed by all DRC members of the concerned country. The Permanent Committee meets in ordinary session at least once a year.


It has the following competences

  • supervise the implementation of the decisions taken by the General Assembly,
  • submit recommendations and proposals to the Presidency,
    appoint, or dismiss the Treasurer of the DRC upon proposal of the elected President,
  • approve the programme of activities of the DRC upon proposal of the Presidency and supervise its execution,
  • prepares the annual budget
  • prepares the annual financial statements
  • make proposals to the General Assembly on the admission and exclusion of members.

The Committee may assume the following responsibilities regarding general policy or which relate to particular projects:

  • upon request by the Presidency consider any action that may contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the DRC,
  • appoint working groups to undertake / advise on specific activities,
  • maintain effective relations with the national conferences and with the international organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, which have a special interest in university affairs,
  • develop recommendations on university policy.


The following universities have been preliminary approved to represent their country in the permanent committee:

Austria Danube University Krems
Bosnia and Herzegovina absent
Bulgaria University of Ruse
Croatia University of Zagreb
Czechia Czech University for Life Sciences
Germany absent
Hungary Eötvös Lorand University
Italy University of Trieste
Moldova State Agrarian University Chisinau
Romania  USAMV Cluj Napoca
Serbia  University of Belgrade
Kosovo University of Prishtina
Slovakia Comenius University of Bratislava
Slovenia University of Maribor
Ukraine Uzhhorod National University