"The role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube region"

During the DIS 2015, students gained knowledge about the role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube river basin (DRB). During two lecture days, students received training in conservation and preservation and valorization of cultural heritage. Two full-day excursions to the area of Torviscosa and Villa Manin and to the area of Trieste enabled students to engage with the sustainability challenges of the Macro-Region. The second half of the school was again dedicated to group work by students. The different groups identified a common idea for a future project, which addressed one of the societal challenges of Horizon 2020 and took into account the challenges of the DRB. Group presentations with direct feedback by an evaluation committee ended the experience.



The program and the proceedings of DIS 2015 are available for download here: 

DIS 2015 Schedule
2015 DIS Schedule.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 384.7 KB