Organised by the International Elias Canetti Society (IECS) with the kind support of the Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC)
The chosen candidate to implement their project idea through this year’s “Sharing future” scholarship in Ruse was Thomas Perle. Thomas Perle is of Romanian-Hungarian-German descent. After the fall of the communist regime, he emigrated with his parents from Romania to Germany. In 2020 he took part in the 13th edition of Ruse’s Literature Festival. This year, he was amongst the applicants for the 2021 call for applications of the Sharing Future scholarship, which he ultimately received after his project idea was selected and approved. He has been working for a month in Ruse on the drama "donauwellen"/"Danube waves", which he conceptualised together with local Bulgarian actors and a regisseur.
More information on the Scholarship including the photos can be found in the Report below.
The performance was recorded live at Canetti House and the whole product can be watched on the International Elias Canetti Society’s YouTube channel.