The European Commission‘s Joint Research Centre (JRC) gives leading researchers from across Europe and beyond access to its world-class facilities and laboratories, enabling state-of-the-art experimental research, collaboration and capacity building with a European dimension. It does so through the programme for open access to JRC research infrastructures.
The JRC is the science and knowledge service of the European Commission. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research providing independent scientific advice and support to EU policy, tackling the big challenges our societies are facing today.
EC DG Joint Research Centre has issued 4 open access calls for their EUFRAT research infrastructures for outstanding researchers to apply to. Here are the 4 calls, to which you can apply until the 15th of September 2021.
- MONNET, Tandem accelerator based fast neutron source (EUFRAT)
- RADMET, Radionuclide Metrology laboratories (EUFRAT)
- GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT)
- HADES, Underground laboratory for ultra-low level gamma-ray spectrometry (EUFRAT)
Scientists granted access calls see their scientific needs fulfilled. Inded, they have access to JRC research infrastructures through a competitive call even if they are not familiar with European initiatives. Moreover, such calls attract talent and stimulate innovation, development and competitiveness. Furthermore, it contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, improves related methods and skills, provides education and training and fosters collaboration at European level.
The call is open until the 15th of September 2021. To find more information on eligibility and the selection process, visit this page!