The Green Building Solution - GBS Summer University is back online from July 17 to August 08, 2021, for its 11th edition! Here is an opportunity to get first-hand ecological knowledge and engineering expertise in a three-week program, hosted from the capital of energy-efficient building, Vienna.
Participants will earn 7 ECTS university credits while learning about sustainable buildings in an intercultural environment. They will also benefit from the insight of experts from various background. Those will share the latest developments from research and practice in ecological building. Especially during these challenging times, we must develop knowledge on sustainable buildings, passive houses and renewable energies to an ever expanding international audience of students and professionals.
This year, the program includes:
- Inspiring talks about sustainable architecture, ecological building alternatives, passive house technologies, renewable energy production and integrated urban planning
- Virtual onsite tours demonstrating Vienna’s best practices in low energy housing
- Engaging building simulation workshops
- Interdisciplinary real life case study project work in international groups with dedicated tutorship
- Certificate of 7 ECTS and the modules of the curriculum after a successful completion
This summer university is carried out by the OeAD student housing, the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, and TU Vienna.
Applications for the scholarships possible until May 1, 2021. Registration to the summer university can be done here.

OEAD is also hosting a unique online summer school on the economy of the future, the Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems summer school, from July 19, 2021 to August 6, 2021.
Do you want to explore different approaches and new ideas with regards to the current growth-based economy and unstable financial system? The AEMS will be back in an upgraded online version in 2021 to discuss alternative approaches! AEMS focuses on ways to restructure economic systems to embody sustainable use of resources and a more collaborative society overall.
At AEMS you learn about:
- Ecological sustainability, population growth and the long-term management of natural resources and energy.
- The variety of alternative economic and monetary systems that are already in practice worldwide.
- Business ethics, consumerism, solidarity and the common good: The need for a new philosophy.
This year, the AEMS 2021 program will include exciting lectures and exchanges on:
- Financial markets serving the broader interests of society
- The solutions to the financial crisis triggered by COVID-19
- The alternatives to the current economic and monetary system
- The role of economic and financial systems in the global climate crisis
With this summer school, you can get an official certificate worth 5 ECTS from BOKU University upon completion of the program. The summer school is organised by the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Economy for the Common Good, and OeAD student housing.
Applications for the scholarships possible until May 1, 2021. Registration can be done here.