16th DRC Summer School on Regional Co-operation
"Falling walls - moving borders - common house Europe?"
30 June - 7 July 2019 University of Zagreb
- Share research results about the Danube region
- Discuss the most up-to-date issues of the Danube region and Central and Eastern Europe with leading experts in the field
- Present your research and get input from the workshop leaders as well as other participants
- Broaden your horizon and knowledge
- Meet new people from all around Europe and develop yourself academically
Experience an unforgettable week in the beautiful city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and make lasting cooperation and friendships.
After the end of the Summer School your contribution will be officially published as an article in the scientific journal “Der Donauraum”.
Workshop topics:
- Collective security or a new cold war?
- The common European currency – constant crisis management?
- From “Big Bang” to “Brexit”
- From homo sovieticus to homo digitalis – successful transformation of the civil society in CEE?
Application deadline: 31 May 2019
Registration fee: 200 EUR
Language of instruction: English
You can already have a look on the programme.
Join our DRC Summer School and receive up-to-date knowledge about the political, economic and social challenges of the Danube Region!