15th DRC Summer School on Regional Co-operation
“Modernizing Europe: Generating Accountability"
1-8 July 2018 Danube University Krems
- Share research results about the Danube region
- Discuss the most up-to-date issues of the Danube region and Central and Eastern Europe with leading experts in the field
- Present your approaches and ideas for future scenarios of the Danube region and compare them with the contributions of other participants
- Take opportunity to discuss your views with decision-makers during the Austrian EU Council presidency
- Broaden your horizon and knowledge
- Meet new people from all around Europe and develop yourself academically
- Get a chance to attend the DRC Annual Meeting in Bratislava in November
Experience an unforgettable week in the beautiful city of Krems, Austria, situated in the Danube Valley and surrounded by vineyards, and make lasting cooperation and friendships with an
international scientist body.
After the end of the Summer School your contribution will be officially published as an article in the scientific journal “Der Donauraum”.
Each year, the DRC Summer School is hosted by a different university and therefore offers a variety of settings. We are looking for young BA, MA and Phd level scientist from Social, Human and Political Sciences, who are interested in the region, have scientific records or intend to have deeper knowledge about the Danube Region.
1. Rise and fall of empires: integration and re-nationalisation
2. Towards a European federation: achieving EU integration through democratisation?
3. Fostering brain-circulation in CEE
4. Cultural heritage protection in the Danube Region
Application deadline: June 03, 2018
Registration fee: 200 EUR
Language of instruction: English
Apply here!
Join our DRC Summer School and receive up-to-date knowledge about the political, economic and social challenges of the Danube Region!