The European Commission's Joint Research Centre, under the auspices of the Bulgaria Presidency of the Council of the EU, is pleased to invite you to the conference on ''Smart Specialisation and Technology Transferas Innovation Drivers for Regional Growth'' taking place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 3-4th May 2018.
This high level conference will bring together policymakers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities and universities to consider the opportunities and challenges for Europe, notably South-east Europe and including the Western Balkans, in research, development, education, employment and innovation and in particular, the process of skills creation, knowledge and technology.
It will serve as a platform to discuss and commit to place-based innovation as a priority. After setting the scene and presenting the innovation landscape in Europe, participants will engage in a debate on good practices and key success factors to inspire countries, regions and stakeholders willing to reap the potential of smart specialisation, technology transfer and digital economy.
For more information, including the outline programme, visit the event site at