The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna,
IDResearch Ltd (IDR), Pécs the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs
and the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna are organizing the 12th Summer School on Regional Co-operation under the intellectual sponsorship of the Danube Rectors’ Conference
Aims of the project:
- to enhance awareness for the significance and possibilities of regional co-operation
- to discuss and develop strategies for the improvement of co-operation in the region
- to bring young scientists from countries of the Danube Region and Central Europe together to establish a regional scientific network within the European Research Area
- to foster relations between the partner universities of the Danube Rectors’ Conference and with other regional actors
- to prepare a sustainable series of events to be able to meet the tasks mentioned above
- to promote the mobility of young scientists, especially in South East Europe
Initiators and main organisers:
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna
Mag. Dr. Susan Milford, Managing Director
IDResearch Ltd. (IDR), Pécs
Dr. István Tarrósy, Managing Director
BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs
Target group:
- Max. 30 young scientists from the Danube Region and Central Europe
- Graduates who want to present their research projects to the students of the Summer School in the lectures
- Interested individuals from regional organisations, public administration and scientific institutions
Time frame and location:
The Summer School will take place between 5–12 July 2015 at BOKU, Vienna, Austria.
Workshop items:
- Ongoing and Frozen Conflicts and their Impact on the Danube Region (Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Bosnia etc)
- Danger of Religious and Political Extremism in the States of the Danube Region
- Energy Policy and Energy Supply in the Future - A Focus on CEECs
- Good Practices and Future Potential in Research and Education across the Danube Region
Working methods:
- Lectures by high level scientists, young graduates and experts (politicians, civil servants, representatives of regional organisations, NGOs, EU officials)
- Presentation of Best Practice projects
- Presentation of papers prepared by the participants
- Discussion in parallel workshops
- Presentation of the results of each working group and plenary discussion
Working language is English.
The results of the Summer
School will be published in the DRC Summer School Book series.
Applications for participation may be handed in by e-mail or fax and should include the application which will be online on: http://www.drcsummerschool.eu, the CV of the applicant and an abstract max. 2 pages of the paper that shall be presented in the framework of the Summer School. The participants are selected by a jury taking into account the guidance of the presidency of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC).
Details of application:
The registration fee of the Summer School is EUR 200.-, the contribution to the expenses for board and accommodation is EUR 230.-
Please note that it is possible to apply for a scholarship on board and accommodation as well as on a partial travel reimbursement (limited to EUR 100.-).
The deadline for application is June 7, 2015, after the acceptance of your paper the registration and board and accommodation fees have to be paid by June 26, 2015. Please find more details on the application form.