The Inter-Municipality Initiative: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion, has been under way since February 2011. A major focus of the initiative is to encourage organizations having
interest in any aspect of cross-border eBusiness in the region to engage in a joint Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based prototype development. A prototype is the beginning of
an action leading to a possible joint EU project proposal of an eSolution or an eService development solving a problem shared by the organization in at least three countries.
Activities of the initiative are the following: thematic meetings, workshops, prototypes development and presentations, annual conference The Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development.
As a concept, eRegion denotes Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-supported initiatives that transcend traditional borders and boundaries. A wide variety of eRegion initiatives are increasingly pervasive in global contexts.
Some of these initiatives are based on historical artifacts, e.g., the ancient Silk Road and the Amber Road trading routes that have found new life in the age of the Internet. Other eRegion initiatives represent yet more recent synergies amid increased desires for interaction and coordination for mutual benefit.
A cross-border region in which the eTechnologies are used extensively is considered the eRegion in which there is a great potential for increased competitiveness and life quality improvement.