Our network announces a video contest for all students of the DRC member universities. We want to increase the visibility of the DRC and its activities in the Danube Region. Are you a student of a DRC member university? Show your creativity to us, make a video, and win prizes. The deadline for uploading the video is October 15, 2014 (23.00 Central European Time). Sign up now for the contest!
The videos should deal with one or more of the following issues:
- Member universities of the DRC: why it is worth to study there?
- What makes the Danube region and DRC universities unique?
- Why and how do we benefit as a university from the DRC membership?
- My university, the Danube Region and the Danube Rectors Conference – what is the role of our university within this context?
- What are the assets Danube Rectors Conference and Danube region provide to my university?
Rules of the Contest
- Participating students in the video contest must be from DRC member universities.
- The video could be made by a single student or by the group of the students (the groups can be composed of the students of various DRC university members).
- The video must not be longer than 3 minutes
- The video has to be uploaded via www.wetransfer.com to the DRC. On wetransfer.com the e-mail address info@drc-danube.org has to be indicated as recipient of the upload, and the main contact person of the uploaded video has to be named (incl. contact details: address, e-mail and contact details /address, e-mails/ of all group members)
- The deadline for uploading the video is October 15, 2014 (23.00 Central European time)
- Once the video is uploaded, the authors agree the video could be used by the DRC for its promotion (DRC has already a legal status)
- The author/s of winning video are awarded with a prize of EUR 1,000. The second and the third prize amount to EUR 550 and EUR 250 respectively.
- Once the ranking is known, the contact persons will be contacted to give the consent how to divide the money among the team members and to provide bank details
- The money will be transferred to the main contact person who will distribute money according to the scheme provided to DRC secretariat (see previous rule)
- The number of the videos per university is not limited
Rules of Voting
- Voting starts on October 16, 2014 and ends October 31, 2014 at midnight
- Voting uses modified principles of the Eurovision song voting. Every DRC member university sends to the DRC secretariat (DRC Secretariat operated by IDM, Hahngasse 6/24, 1090 Wien, Austria) official letter (signed by legal representative) with indicating 4 best ranked videos in their view. Every DRC university can send only one such letter.
- The letter must specify: best ranked video by the university, second best ranked, third best ranked and fourth best ranked video
- The best ranked video in the official letter is assigned with 5 points, the second ranked is assigned with 3 points, the third ranked with 2 points and the fourth ranked with 1 point. This assignment is done by the IDM secretariat.
- The university cannot rank the videos which are solely made by the students of this university (cannot rank the videos which were made only by the students of the university sending this letter). If such videos are in the letter they cannot be assigned with the points
- When the video is made by a team of the students form two and more DRC universities the participating universities can vote for these videos
- The points are counted together and the video with the highest score (highest points) wins, the second highest sum of points is the second and the third highest number of points equals for the third ranked vide in the contests
- The results will be announced during DRC general assembly in Belgrade (November 2014)