Smart specialisation is a concept that can make a valuable contribution to the integrated approach which macro-regional strategies such as the EUSDR rely on. In this context, the flagship activity proposed by the JRC will use the Danube Region as a pilot area to study and foster the integration and coordination of regional or national research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialisation at macro-regional level. This seminar is the kick-off event of the work outlined above.
The objective of the event is to discuss the main characteristics of the RIS3 concept and, in particular, the importance of the transnational dimension and the need for a Reference data infrastructure, present the draft national RIS3 in a number of Danube countries and potential transnational projects, draw conclusions on concrete cooperation opportunities and work to be done with regard to stimulating transnational cooperation on areas of smart specialisation in the framework of the EUSDR, and (iv) discuss ways JRC can further support. The event is aimed at representatives of national administrations and major stakeholders.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please contact: